On March 2, 2018 I had Lasik Surgery done. For over 30 years I wore prescription glasses for everything I did. After so many years of dealing with prescription changes, glasses fogging up, breaking, and losing them, Ive finally had it! I was so frustrated with with having to depend on them and began to research the pros and cons of Lasik, as well as the doctors who performed the procedure. I found that Lasik eye surgery facilities were everywhere so to speak, but experienced and highly knowledgeable doctors were not. Then I was referred by a co worker to look into (no pun intended) Dr. Updegraff. My friend had told me she had the procedure done by him and was completely overwhelmed by her results. I set my fears aside and made an appointment for the free eye examination consult with Dr. Updegraffs office. Once there I was placed through a battery of eye tests by the doctors highly professional and educated staff. The complete consult took approximately 2 1/2 hours and found that I was a -3.50 in one eye and -2.50 in the other. I also was found to have astigmatism in both eyes and needed to be treated for myopia. I was reassured by the doctor and staff that being an eligible candidate for the surgery, I would be completely satisfied with the outcome and free of my glasses. My research was complete and my decision was made, I decided to go forward and do it.On March 2nd I went in for surgery at 7:30 am. I checked in and met with Dr. Updegraff again. We went over what to expect during the procedure again and he reassured me that I was in good hands. During the surgery I was fully awake and Dr. Updegraff was giving me a play by play of everything he was doing as well as what I would be feeling. The complete procedure took approximately 20 minutes and was pain free. The results were absolutely amazing! I immediately noticed the difference in clarity right after the surgery. I was given the aftercare instruction by the nurses and sent home. After resting for 5 hours with my eyes closed, I woke up. I looked outside and was overwhelmed of how much everything was brighter, colorful and so much more detailed! I could actually see all of the address numbers on my neighbors houses and their license plate numbers, without glasses! I thought all this happening and it was literally hours after having the procedure completed. Now its been a few days later and the results are even better now for me. Yes, I now wear reading glasses for that purpose only, which was going to happen anyway being 50 years of age. However, I can see perfectly long distance, make out faces in a crowd and enjoy all activities without wearing those damn glasses. After going to my post op check up I was found to have 20/20 vision and see better than Ive ever before!If you are pondering the thought of getting Lasik, I highly recommend going to see Dr. Updegraff and his staff. I would highly recommend him to my friends and family. Dr. Updegraff and staff, thank you all again for giving me my freedom of sight back to me.